2020 remark: This article was first published in 2013 under the name NIfTI 2 MAT Converter.
This software is discontinued and supports are provided no longer. However, I keep it posted here for the completion sake. It could still work given that the right version of the dependencies and Matlab Compiler Runtime are available.
This is an easy-to-use, GUI-based NIfTI <-> Matlab converter. This program based on The Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE for Matlab toolbox, written by Jimmy Shen. Its primary function is to read NIfTI-1 format files (such as .nii, .hdr and .img) and save them into Matlab .mat matrices. It can also convert matrices back to NIfTI-1 files as well.
I wrote this small application mainly for my convenience during my own research, but I guess many people will find it useful. This is an experimental program though, so using it at your own risk. I will gradually improve it as time passes. _If there is any comments or bug notices, please leave it in the comment. _
- This program requires Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) to run. If you don’t have Matlab installed on your PC, you can download the MCR from here
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.